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In a world where small minority businesses are chronically underserved with regards to economic development due to socio-economic community issues, getting certified to do local government contracting opportunities is a great way to bolster one’s business. Getting certified involves applying for your local County Business Enterprise program (CBE), or Small Business Enterprise program (SBE), or Local Developing Business Program (LDB) based on the location of your business. These local programs are gender and race neutral.

Additionally, small businesses may utilize two federal programs for contract opportunities: the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program (DBE) and the Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program (ACDBE). These two programs, however, are gender and race conscious. The DBE increases participation of minority groups in state and local procurement and the ACDBE increases opportunities for minority businesses to operate concessions in airports around the country. Both federal certifications are valid irrespective of which state you may choose to relocate your business. In making the decision to get certified in your county for these programs, businesses should consider their eligibility, application process, recertification, and access to technical assistance.


Miami-Dade County

Miami-Dade County offers one online application for local and federal certification programs.

Local Programs
Determining your eligibility for SBE.

  • Must have a Miami-Dade County Local Business Tax Receipt for at least 1 year.
  • Must have an actual location in Miami-Dade County.
  • For home-based business, the owner must reside at the location. Virtual Offices are not accepted.
  • Business Owner can only have one certified SBE firm.
  • Three types of Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) may apply: (1) Goods and Services; (2) Architectural & Engineering; and (3) Construction.
  • For more information on additional SBE eligibility requirements please visit the SBE Application Requirements.

Determining your eligibility for LDB.

  • Must be located and performing commercially useful function in Miami-Dade County or be at least 51% owned by a person or persons who reside in Miami-Dade.
  • Must not exceed 3-year average gross receipts of $22,410,000.
  • Must possess the required licenses to do business in Miami-Dade County.
  • Annual renewal of certification is required.
  • Program provides opportunities for small businesses to provide aeronautical services to the Miami International Airport.
  • For more information on additional LDB eligibility requirements, please visit LDB application requirements.

Federal Programs
Miami-Dade County participates in the DBE and ACDBE programs. The requirements for eligibility include the following:

Determining your eligibility for DBE and ACDBE.

  • Owners must own 51% of the firm and be a member(s) of one of the following groups:
    • Women (regardless of race)
    • Black Americans
    • Hispanic Americans
    • Native Americans
    • Subcontinent Asian Americans

Applying for Certification (all local and federal programs)

Maintaining your recertification (all programs)

  • To renew your certification, please visit BMWS renewal and login into Business Management Workforce System.

Accessing technical assistance

  • If you are having difficulties submitting your application, please contact the BMWS support team.

For additional information, you may contact the Miami-Dade Internal Services Department – Small Business Development Division at 305-375-3111 or email or visit their website.

Broward County

Local Program
Broward offers two local programs: County Business Enterprise (CBE) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE). CBE provides opportunities for larger projects and businesses may hire subcontractors. SBE provides opportunities for smaller projects and businesses use only their resources and no subcontractors. One online application form is used to determine eligibility for both program; a business can qualify for both certifications.

Determining your eligibility

  • Personal net worth per owner < $1.32 million.
  • Firm/Business must be independent.
  • Vendor must have a Broward Business Tax Receipt and be located in Broward County.
  • Business must be established for a period of one year prior to submitting its application.
  • Site visit by Office of Economic and Small Business Development (OESBD).
  • 15 or less permanent full-time employees (SBE requirement only).
  • For more information on additional requirements, please visit SBE/CBE requirements.

Applying for Certification

  • Applicants must use the Google chrome Browser to submit the online application.
  • Applicants must have access to a Broward Account or create one.
  • Must have all documents on the checklist. Each document must be saved separately and uploaded individually.
  • Before starting the online application, an affidavit must be signed and uploaded.
  • You may also watch this video for a step-by-step tutorial on your application.

Maintaining your recertification

  • Business must submit the Renewal Form by the firm’s anniversary date; failure to do so will result in the suspension of the business’s certification.

Accessing technical assistance

  • For more information and assistance with DBE/ACDBE certification, please call 954-357-6400.

Federal Programs
Broward county participates in the DBE and ACDBE programs. Please see the requirements below.

Determining your eligibility

Applying for Certification

Maintaining your recertification

  • Once a year on the date of the initial certification, business should send in the completed No Change Declaration form along with the previous year’s business complete tax return.

Accessing technical assistance

  • For more information and assistance with the CBE/SBE certification, please call 954-357-6400.

For additional information, you may contact the Broward Office of Economic and Small Business Development or visit their website.

If you need further technical assistance with any of the application process for the programs listed in this document, please contact Small Business AdministrationEnterprise FloridaFlorida State Minority Supplier Development CouncilMinority Business Development Center or FIU Small Business Development Center.

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