Employee Training
Labor and Employment Division
Our lawyers conduct training for employers on a regular basis. Our team focuses on training executives, managers, human resource professionals, and other employees on the latest issues necessary to educate employees and to protect employers from potential claims. During our training sessions, we focus on offering practical tips and action items every employer can benefit from.
As the workforce rapidly evolves and new management ascends, we provide ongoing training to management and supervisors, whether to meet legal requirements or to refresh professionals on specific topics.
We tailor our sessions to your business so the topics we cover are customized to your workplace and policies, and address the problems you are facing or may come across in the future. We offer our clients cost-effective and flexible payment options, including flat fee arrangements. For easier accessibility, we conduct training seminars both virtually and in person.
We frequently provide training in the following areas:
Employee Training:
- Preventing Harassment, Discrimination & Retaliation
- Sexual Harassment
- Dealing with Time and Attendance Issues Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and City policy
- Properly Navigating Social Media (including proper use of social media by the employee and employer, and monitoring of employee social media by the employer)
- How to Navigate Generational Differences within the Workplace (e.g., quiet quitting, flexibility requests)
- Implicit Bias/Cultural Competency
- Respect in the Workplace
- Conflict Resolution
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) Awareness and Compliance
- Customer Service
- Public Speaking
- Time-Management
- Anger Management
- How to Effectively Communicate with a Supervisor
Supervisor & Manager Training:
- How to Gain Respect from Employees (including effective communication with staff)
- Leading with Emotional Intelligence
- Managing Employee Complaints & Handling Employee Investigations
- Preparing Proper Performance Evaluations
- “The Manager’s Toolbox”: Performance Management/Management tools (including proper and consistent feedback, positive reinforcement in a tangible way, employee engagement/satisfaction surveys, rehabilitative tools such as performance improvement plans)
- How to Recruit and Retain Talent
- Terminating the Employment Relationship
- Documenting Discipline & Performance
- Dealing with Employee Medical Issues Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA” & “ADAAA”), Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA), etc.
Our Insight
Providing proactive and ongoing training to employees, supervisors, and human resource professionals helps protect you from legal issues, increases employee retention, and improves the quality of your workforce.
Brett J. Schneider Partner, Chair of Labor & Employment Division; Boca Raton office Managing Director