Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement

Government Division

We are one of the few firms in the state with a practice group exclusively devoted to oversight of law enforcement. Headed by a Certified Practitioner of Oversight, designated by the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement, we are well positioned to represent independent boards, governmental agencies, and independent monitors in responding to and investigating both isolated and recurring issues within law enforcement agencies, as well as compliance with government consent decrees and settlement agreements.

We understand that at times local governments’ roles conflict with provisions of the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights and that there is opposition to civilian oversight by police unions. Through creative legal strategies and a deep understanding of local government laws, the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights, and current legal precedent in this constantly evolving field, we focus our practice on the issues our clients care about most.

For example, we successfully defended the City of Miami Civilian Investigative Panel (CIP) in an appeal before the Florida Supreme Court, against a claim brought by the Miami chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police to abolish civilian oversight in the State of Florida. As a result of strong, innovative arguments on behalf of civilian oversight, the Florida Supreme Court unanimously upheld the CIP’s right to continue operations.

Members of our practice group have also been featured as speakers throughout the country on matters relating to oversight of law enforcement.



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