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On Wednesday, WSH litigators achieved a big win for the Village of Indian Creek in an emergency injunction trial before the Miami-Dade County Circuit Court.

The owner of an unoccupied mega-mansion (market price $60,000,000.00) in the Village contracted to allow Ferrari to host a huge Art Basel party for more than 300 people on November 29.  The Village alleged this party was an improper commercial use in a residential neighborhood.  Ferrari claimed to have already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars that could not be recovered if the party was canceled.  The owner claimed that this event was a once in a lifetime opportunity to sell the mega-mansion. 

After a 6 hour trial lasting well into evening, Judge Thornton denied the property owner’s petition to enjoin the Village from enforcing its zoning code.  Kudos go to the litigation team, quarterbacked by Founding Member Joseph H. Serota and the second chair, Laura K. WendellPartner Edward G. Guedes and Associate Amy J. Santiago also provided invaluable assistance.



Author(s): Brooke P. Dolara

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